this slowpoke moves

Dictionary Creator

 Dictionary Creator

Ein Dic Rechner, der mit ein paar einfachen Klicks über 2 GB Listen erstellen kann.

Unicode Formate:

UTF-8; UTF-8 Boom; UTF-16 LE; ANSI;  SysDefault;

Berechenbare ASCii’s

Numbers (0-9)
Lowercased alphabet (a-z)
Lowercased alphabet and numbers (a-z, 0-9)
Uppercased alphabet (A-Z)
Uppercased alphabet and numbers (A-Z, 0-9)
All alphabets (a-z, A-Z)
All alphabets and numbers (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
Stressed lowercased alphabet (a-z, *)
Stressed uppercased alphabet (A-Z, ^*)
Full stressed alphabet (a-z, A-Z, *, ^*)
Full stressed abc and nr. (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, *, ^*)
Hexadecimal (0-9, a-f, A-F)
All ASCII characters
Latein lowercased (a-z)
Latein uppercased (A-Z)
Latein uppercased (a-z, A-Z)
Latein uppercased (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)


*.TXT; *.INI; *.DOC; *.DOCX; *.RTF; *.DAT; *.ANS; *.ODT; *.ODS; *.ODP; *.WPS; *.HTM; *.PPT; *.PPTX; *.CSV; *.XLS;

System   : 7, 8, Vista, 10, 11
Lizenz   : Freeware
Version  : 0.04
Grösse   : 920 KB
Update   : 01/2023
Passwort :

MD5      : e4e6f423064f0bef86cb8540b039852a
SHA-1    : 1ff0917217499c3c812dadd2c34099f4e9d58f2c
SHA-256  : 66d87b41b8449b1af4b68bc107b5ec48a53b2f8685c0dd66823cc7ba1c75bac9
CRC32    : c3228223

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